Ted Sunshine


Theodore Sunshine is a sophomore in Cabot House from Boston, MA concentrating in History with a secondary in either Government or Economics. In his free time he enjoys skiing, traveling, and spending time with his good friends.

Topic: Chernobyl Disaster, 1986

In the early hours of April 26, 1986, the worst nuclear disaster in human history unfolded. The number four reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant underwent an unthinkable nuclear meltdown, resulting in the endangerment of countless Soviet citizens. In a single night, the small town of Chernobyl became the center of all Soviet efforts as the world held its breath. The resulting crisis would see the actions of the few determine the fate of millions as the future of the mighty Soviet Union hung in the balance. 

In this committee, delegates will act as representatives in the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union (CMSU) to manage the Chernobyl crisis in the hours following the meltdown. The CMSU drew talent from all corners of the Soviet Union, providing the executive authorities in the USSR with diverse perspectives on addressing crises. With so many factions and interests at play, can this council come to a consensus, solve the crisis, and save the Soviet Union? History lies in your hands.